For the past three days, Sarah Whitaker, a devoted mother from Boulder, Colorado, has found herself sifting through an unexpected pile of parental duties. After her 6-year-old son, Max, accidentally swallowed a freshly-lost tooth, Whitaker decided to retrieve it the hard way: by combing through his daily “contributions” in search of the missing molar.
Whitaker’s commitment to the task has raised eyebrows, but she insists she’s no fool. “I know what it sounds like,” she told reporters, laughing. “But try explaining to a child that the Tooth Fairy can’t make her visit. This is purely for Max’s peace of mind.”
The quest began after a particularly energetic play session led Max to accidentally gulp down his prized tooth. Rather than risk shattering her son’s belief in the Tooth Fairy, Whitaker turned to the unorthodox solution. Equipped with gloves, plastic bags, and a sense of humor, she has dedicated herself to finding the lost molar, despite some awkward conversations with friends and family.
Child psychologist Dr. Heather James says Whitaker’s mission, while unusual, isn’t entirely irrational. “Parental sacrifice takes many forms, and for kids, these small acts can reinforce a sense of security and magic.”
Online, Whitaker’s journey has attracted both supporters and skeptics. “Every parent has done something crazy for their kid,” commented one mother on Facebook. “At least she’s being thorough!”
As for Whitaker, she remains optimistic. “If it helps Max keep believing, it’s worth it,” she said. “Moron or not.”