In a scandal that has sent shockwaves through social circles in the heart of Manhattan, Mr. Alexander Grant, a prominent...
Read moreThe seemingly innocuous utterance of a single word, "ergo," has sparked speculation and intrigue following revelations of an affair within...
Read moreIn a bizarre and potentially perilous incident, a man recently found himself in an alarming situation when he discovered that...
Read moreIn an Italian-American household, an ongoing family saga has emerged as Paolo Rossi, the family patriarch, persistently encourages his loved...
Read moreI’ve been feeling the back of my head for 341 days in a row. I haven’t really felt anything different...
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In a continued streak of domination for one of the world’s largest investment firms, BlackRock has quietly acquired a dominant...
Read moreThe Daily Gobble, In Competence We Trust’s weekly newsletter, arms you with the content you need to be the most well-informed, interesting, funny, insulting, domineering, hate-spewing person at your next date, confessional, driving test, or party.
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